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Award Night

60 min   |   10-2000 participants   |  swedish/english 

Award Night is an online interactive experience from On Air Studios. Participants can join in from the comfort of their own homes, from the office or even join us live in our Stockholm studio. 


We will ask for all award categories, nominations and winners to be sent to us in advance so that we can prepare the “Golden Envelopes”. We work together with you to send out these envelopes to some of the people participating, who will then have the honour of reading out the nominations live on the night and announcing the winner. 


The winner of the award will then have the opportunity to give an acceptance speech, taking inspiration from the tips from our hosts opening monologue. They must be sure not to go on too long or the music might play them off.


In between the awards being handed out, we will play some quiz games that everyone will participate in.A fun evening with awards, games, prizes and speeches. An award night to remember.

395 SEK per person

Minimum price for 20 participants.

Increasing discounts for groups from 70 participants.


For examples:

20 participants: 7900 SEK

150 participants: 32 900 SEK

500 participants: 52 900 SEK

Booking inquiry

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On Air Game Shows

Mälartorget 19, Stockholm


Tel.: 08-446 65 61

© 2021 by On Air Game Shows Sweden AB

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